Home > Operation Research calculators > Travelling salesman problem using nearest neighbor method example

5. Travelling salesman problem using nearest neighbor method example ( Enter your problem )
  1. Example-1
  2. Example-2
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4. Travelling salesman branch and bound method
(Previous method)
2. Example-2
(Next example)

1. Example-1

Find Solution of Travelling salesman problem using nearest neighbor method

The number of rows = 4 and columns = 4
   `1`  `2`  `3`  `4`    
 `1` M495
 `2` 6M48
 `3` 94M9
 `4` 589M

1. If we start from 1, then path is

and total distance = 22

2. If we start from 2, then path is

and total distance = 26

3. If we start from 3, then path is

and total distance = 24

4. If we start from 4, then path is

and total distance = 22

This material is intended as a summary. Use your textbook for detail explanation.
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4. Travelling salesman branch and bound method
(Previous method)
2. Example-2
(Next example)

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