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Sequencing Problems example ( Enter your problem)
  1. Introduction
  2. Johnson's algorithm for optimal sequence
  3. Example-1
  4. Example-2
  5. Example-3
Other related methods
  1. Processing n Jobs Through 2 Machines Problem
  2. Processing n Jobs Through 3 Machines Problem
  3. Processing n Jobs Through m Machines Problem
  4. Processing 2 Jobs Through m Machines Problem

2. Johnson's algorithm for optimal sequence
(Next example)

1. Introduction

Sequencing Problems
Determine the optimal sequence (order) in which a number of jobs should be performed on different machines in order to make effective use of available machines with low cost.

Suppose, In a sequencing problem where n jobs are to be performed on m different machines.
We have to determine the optimum sequence, which minimizes the total elapsed time.
(Total elapsed time means the time from starting of the first job upto completion of the last job)

Few general assumptions
  • The processing time on each machines are exactly known.
  • The time taken by each job in changing over from one machine to another is negligible.
  • The time required to complete a job is independent of the order of the jobs in which they are to be processed.
  • Each machine can process only one job at a time.
  • A job starts on the machine, it must be completed before another job starts on the same machine

Here we discuss the following cases
  • Processing n Jobs Through 2 Machines Problem
  • Processing n Jobs Through 3 Machines Problem
  • Processing n Jobs Through m Machines Problem
  • Processing 2 Jobs Through m Machines Problem

This material is intended as a summary. Use your textbook for detail explanation.
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2. Johnson's algorithm for optimal sequence
(Next example)

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