Home > Operation Research calculators > Column minima method example

5. column minima method example ( Enter your problem )
Algorithm and examples
  1. Algorithm & Example-1
  2. Example-2
  3. Unbalanced supply and demand example
Other related methods
  1. north-west corner method
  2. least cost method
  3. vogel's approximation method
  4. Row minima method
  5. Column minima method
  6. Russell's approximation method
  7. Heuristic method-1
  8. Heuristic method-2
  9. modi method (optimal solution)
  10. stepping stone method (optimal solution)

2. Example-2
(Previous example)
6. Russell's approximation method
(Next method)

3. Unbalanced supply and demand example

Unbalanced supply and demand
If the total supply is not equal to the total demand then the problem is called unbalanced transportation problem.

It's solution :
1. If the total supply is more than the total demand, then we add a new column, with transportation cost 0
2. If the total demand is more than the total supply, then we add a new row, with transportation cost 0
Find Solution using Column minima method

TOTAL number of supply constraints : 3
TOTAL number of demand constraints : 3
Problem Table is

Here Total Demand = 215 is less than Total Supply = 235. So We add a dummy demand constraint with 0 unit cost and with allocation 20.
Now, The modified table is

In `1^(st)` column, The smallest transportation cost is 4 in cell `S_1 D_1`

The allocation to this cell is min(76,72) = 72.
This satisfies the entire demand of `D_1` and leaves 76 - 72 = 4 units with `S_1`


In `2^(nd)` column, The smallest transportation cost is 8 in cell `S_1 D_2`

The allocation to this cell is min(4,102) = 4.
This exhausts the capacity of `S_1` and leaves 102 - 4 = 98 units with `D_2`


In `2^(nd)` column, The smallest transportation cost is 16 in cell `S_3 D_2`

The allocation to this cell is min(77,98) = 77.
This exhausts the capacity of `S_3` and leaves 98 - 77 = 21 units with `D_2`


In `2^(nd)` column, The smallest transportation cost is 24 in cell `S_2 D_2`

The allocation to this cell is min(82,21) = 21.
This satisfies the entire demand of `D_2` and leaves 82 - 21 = 61 units with `S_2`


In `3^(rd)` column, The smallest transportation cost is 16 in cell `S_2 D_3`

The allocation to this cell is min(61,41) = 41.
This satisfies the entire demand of `D_3` and leaves 61 - 41 = 20 units with `S_2`


In `4^(th)` column, The smallest transportation cost is 0 in cell `S_2 D_(dummy)`

The allocation to this cell is min(20,20) = 20.

Initial feasible solution is
`S_1`4 (72)8 (4)8 0 76
`S_2`16 24 (21)16 (41)0 (20)82
`S_3`8 16 (77)24 0 77

The minimum total transportation cost `= 4 xx 72 + 8 xx 4 + 24 xx 21 + 16 xx 41 + 0 xx 20 + 16 xx 77 = 2712`

Here, the number of allocated cells = 6 is equal to m + n - 1 = 3 + 4 - 1 = 6
`:.` This solution is non-degenerate

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2. Example-2
(Previous example)
6. Russell's approximation method
(Next method)

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