Home > Operation Research calculators > Branch and Bound method example

7. Branch and Bound method example ( Enter your problem )
  1. Algorithm
  2. Example-1
  3. Example-2
Other related methods
  1. Formulate linear programming model
  2. Graphical method
  3. Simplex method (BigM method)
  4. Two-Phase method
  5. Primal to dual conversion
  6. Dual simplex method
  7. Integer simplex method
  8. Branch and Bound method
  9. 0-1 Integer programming problem
  10. Revised Simplex method

2. Example-1
(Previous example)
9. 0-1 Integer programming problem
(Next method)

3. Example-2

Find solution using Branch and Bound method
MAX Z = 7x1 + 9x2
subject to
-x1 + 3x2 <= 6
7x1 + x2 <= 35
x2 <= 7
and x1,x2 >= 0

Solution steps by BigM method, Graphical method

Max `Z``=````7``x_1`` + ``9``x_2`
subject to
` - ````x_1`` + ``3``x_2``6`
```7``x_1`` + ````x_2``35`
and `x_1,x_2 >= 0; `

Solution is
Max `Z_(A)=63` `(x_1=4.5,x_2=3.5)`

and `Z_L=55` `(x_1=4,x_2=3)` obtainted by the rounded off solution values.

The branch and bound diagram
Solution steps by
BigM method,
Graphical method

In Sub-problem A, `x_1(=4.5)` must be an integer value, so two new constraints are created, `x_1<=4` and `x_1>=5`

Sub-problem B : Solution is found by adding `x_1<=4`.
Solution steps by BigM method, Graphical method
Max `Z``=````7``x_1`` + ``9``x_2`
subject to
` - ````x_1`` + ``3``x_2``6`
```7``x_1`` + ````x_2``35`
and `x_1,x_2 >= 0; `

Solution is
Max `Z_(B)=58` `(x_1=4,x_2=3.3333)`
and `Z_L=55` `(x_1=4,x_2=3)` obtainted by the rounded off solution values.
Sub-problem C : Solution is found by adding `x_1>=5`.
Solution steps by BigM method, Graphical method
Max `Z``=````7``x_1`` + ``9``x_2`
subject to
` - ````x_1`` + ``3``x_2``6`
```7``x_1`` + ````x_2``35`
and `x_1,x_2 >= 0; `

Solution is
Max `Z_(C)=35` `(x_1=5,x_2=0)`
and `Z_L=35` `(x_1=5,x_2=0)` obtainted by the rounded off solution values.
This Problem has integer solution, so no further branching is required.

The branch and bound diagram
Solution steps by
BigM method,
Graphical method
Solution steps by
BigM method,
Graphical method
Solution steps by
BigM method,
Graphical method

In Sub-problem B, `x_2(=3.3333)` must be an integer value, so two new constraints are created, `x_2<=3` and `x_2>=4`

Sub-problem D : Solution is found by adding `x_2<=3`.
Solution steps by BigM method, Graphical method
Max `Z``=````7``x_1`` + ``9``x_2`
subject to
` - ````x_1`` + ``3``x_2``6`
```7``x_1`` + ````x_2``35`
and `x_1,x_2 >= 0; `

Solution is
Max `Z_(D)=55` `(x_1=4,x_2=3)`
and `Z_L=55` `(x_1=4,x_2=3)` obtainted by the rounded off solution values.
This Problem has integer solution, so no further branching is required.
Sub-problem E : Solution is found by adding `x_2>=4`.
Solution steps by BigM method, Graphical method
Max `Z``=````7``x_1`` + ``9``x_2`
subject to
` - ````x_1`` + ``3``x_2``6`
```7``x_1`` + ````x_2``35`
and `x_1,x_2 >= 0; `

Solution is
This Problem has an infeasible solution, so this branch is terminated.

The branch and bound diagram
Solution steps by
BigM method,
Graphical method
Solution steps by
BigM method,
Graphical method
Solution steps by
BigM method,
Graphical method
Solution steps by
BigM method,
Graphical method

Infeasible Solution

Solution steps by
BigM method,
Graphical method

The branch and bound algorithm thus terminated and the optimal integer solution is :
`Z_(D)=55` and `x_1=4,x_2=3`

This material is intended as a summary. Use your textbook for detail explanation.
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2. Example-1
(Previous example)
9. 0-1 Integer programming problem
(Next method)

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